In this animated reimagining of the Russian historical mystery, we follow the spirited Anya (Meg Ryan), an amnesiac young woman on a quest to discover her identity. Joined by the charming con men Dimitri (John Cusack) and Vladimir (Kelsey Grammer), they journey to Paris in pursuit of the reward promised by the Dowager Empress Marie Feodorovna (Dame Angela Lansbury). The reward is for those who find her long-lost granddaughter, the Grand Duchess Anastasia, daughter of the last Czar of Russia. Against the backdrop of post-revolutionary Russia, the unlikely trio uncover the secrets of Anya’s past. But the mystic Rasputin (Christopher Lloyd) has sinister plans to destroy the Romanov family once and for all. With enchanting animation and a memorable soundtrack, Anastasia spins a tale of self-discovery, love, and triumphant adventure.
Cereal is included with your tickets and coffee is available for purchase at Coat Check Coffee.
Directed by Don Bluth and Gary Goldman, 1997, 94 minutes, G.